浮石寺 聚遠樓 鄭湖陰 贈僧韻 [Poem on] Gathering-the-Distant Loftbuilding at Floating Rock Temple with rhyme words Borrowed from Chŏng Saryong (Hoŭm "Shady Lake")'s poem "Given to a Monk"
鬼役天成萬古樓 The spirits 鬼 employed 役*) heaven 天 to form 成**) the loftbuilding 樓 of the ages 萬古;
風雲一任洗新秋 Wind 風 and clouds 雲 together 一 charged with 任 cleaning 洗 the new 新 autumn 秋.
夜深獨對高僧榻 The night 夜 is deep 沈, alone 獨 I face 對 the high 高 bonze 僧 bench 榻--
唯見長空月似鉤 [I] only 唯 see 見 the long 長 void 空 [and] the moon 月 that [looks] like 似 a fishhook 鉤.
*) 役: it seems unlikely to me to see 作 twice in one line. The calligrapher seems to have written 役, so I'm guessing that the online 퇴계집's OCR software or inputter (well, okay this latter case is less likely) has mistaken 作 for 役.
**) Or "build 作," depending on which version you choose to believe, as the internet version has slightly different wording than has been captured in the photograph. But this kind of minor variation in wording between texts is common.
7월 2005 8월 2005 9월 2005 10월 2005 11월 2005 12월 2005 1월 2006 2월 2006 3월 2006 7월 2006 8월 2006 10월 2006 4월 2007 5월 2007 6월 2007 7월 2007 8월 2007 9월 2007 10월 2007 11월 2007 12월 2007 1월 2008 5월 2008 8월 2008