The Sanchon Hunjang just got back from a week in Taiwan with some friends. While in Taiwan, we saw a few interesting things:
- Many busses are advertising Korean apples from 능금. Not just apples (蘋果), but great apples 大蘋果. My Korean friends really enjoyed that.
- At the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, we happened to go in one of the side gates rather than the main gate at the end of the square. Upon examination, the gate turned out to be 대충문. On a visual inspection, the construction didn't seem that shoddy, but who am I to take issue with their forthrightness in naming. 대충 지었나보지, 뭐. ^^
- At the Taiwanese version of 현충원, which they call 忠烈祠 충렬사, they have this extremely long and detailed ceremony on the hour for the changing of the guard. It was soooooo long that the eyes and brain soon begin to wander. There is not a whole lot for them to wander to, so the large gateway into the shrine is a big target for 눈길. So the Sanchon Hunjang is sitting there, staring at the gate without much thought.
Let's see... 충의. I guess that's the kind of thing you should expect in a place like this...만고유방...wait a second...did that say "만고유방?" A breast for all ages? ^^
I love Taiwan. 너무 유치했나?