The Sanchon Hunjang was nosing around and happened across this *ahem* enlightening philosophical discourse that purports to be between two of Confucius' disciples on some of the more carnal aspects of life. To post or not to post, that was the question. After ammending it ever so slightly, I place it here for the *헛기침* edification of the interested:
顔淵曰: I was discussing this and that with a friend yesterday
顔淵曰: and we started discussing the price of ladies (1) in a massage parlor, and (2) in a 완전 사창가
顔淵曰: do you have any idea? ;)
子貢曰: hmm... massage is maybe around 18 and No.2 is...hmm... maybe under 10?
顔淵曰: wow those massage ladies are kinda expensive.
顔淵曰: why is that? ^^
子貢曰: you know massage service is composed of two parts
子貢曰: 1. real massage 2. s*x
顔淵曰: fine
顔淵曰: but is the "real" massage a
real massage?
顔淵曰: I hear it's a half-assed massage
顔淵曰: in an attmept to get you horny enough to ask for s*x... ^^
子貢曰: No
子貢曰: #1 is taken care by 맹인 전문 massage man
子貢曰: and #2 is taken care by hooker
顔淵曰: oh really?
顔淵曰: not all the same person?
子貢曰: no
子貢曰: different person
顔淵曰: so, when you were going on and on about their new product
顔淵曰: the "mango massage"...
顔淵曰: you mean some blind guy did that to you?!!?!?!?
顔淵曰: that's something about you that I didn't know ;)
顔淵曰: ...or really want to know either
子貢曰: no no mango massage is part of #2
子貢曰: u know , in #2, there's a shower part
子貢曰: the chicks kindly give you a shower
顔淵曰: oh
顔淵曰: kindly? ^^
顔淵曰: can you guarantee the kindness?
子貢曰: hahahaha
子貢曰: in that shower, she pours del monte mango juice all over your body
子貢曰: warm mango juice. not cold one.
顔淵曰: oh
子貢曰: so that's why it is called mango massage
顔淵曰: i c
子貢曰: oh my god, how can i know this kinda 불순한 stuff, oh no.. oh no.......
顔淵曰: well, what happens if you go to 588, then? :)
子貢曰: just simple s*x
顔淵曰: you must have heard it from your friend
顔淵曰: in detail
顔淵曰: no shower?
子貢曰: no shower.
子貢曰: she just washes your private part very simply
子貢曰: like for 30 sec
顔淵曰: how about her private parts?
子貢曰: and let you lay down
子貢曰: and sucks and f**ks...
子貢曰: you can't touch that
子貢曰: you can grab her boobs.. but they don't like it
顔淵曰: really
子貢曰: you know 588 is just a place for c*mshot
顔淵曰: no touchie?
顔淵曰: but s*x?
顔淵曰: that is too wierd....
子貢曰: yes
子貢曰: just for c*mshot
顔淵曰: as in, they make you c*m all over their face and hair?
顔淵曰: kinky....
子貢曰: no not that. just simple s*x
顔淵曰: so I guess that if you can't even touch them
顔淵曰: a kiss is going to be waaaaaaaaaaaay out
顔淵曰: right?
子貢曰: and the atmosphere is even not that romantic for touching and making love
顔淵曰: oh?
子貢曰: kiss is not possible, just 뽀뽀
顔淵曰: what did your friend tell you about the atmosphere?
顔淵曰: :)
子貢曰: it's like 빨리빨리.. 시간없어...
顔淵曰: really?
顔淵曰: is there a time limit?
子貢曰: you know if you stay with her more that like 20 mins... then someone rudely knocks on your door and saying loudly "야 시간지났어... 빨리 나와...."
子貢曰: like this
顔淵曰: hmmmm
顔淵曰: that is a truly efficient f*ck factory ^^
子貢曰: or just knocking the door heavily
子貢曰: 쿵 쿵 쿵
顔淵曰: so why does anyone go there?
顔淵曰: I don't get it.....
子貢曰: just for c*mshot i guess
顔淵曰: 아무리 그렇다해도 그렇지...그게 넘 심한데...
顔淵曰: so...
顔淵曰: you are saying that some people get desperate enough for just lousy s*x that they will even do THAT?
顔淵曰: but I see that the difference in price is worth it for an RS ^^
子貢曰: yeah
子貢曰: you know i guess more than 80 % of the customer for 588 is young men
子貢曰: like around 20
子貢曰: they don't have enough money but they really want to have a s*x
顔淵曰: seems like a hand job in a barber shop would be a better option
顔淵曰: or there's always the self hand-job... ^^
子貢曰: but 588 ladies are pretty
顔淵曰: True
顔淵曰: but it's not like you spend any time with them....
顔淵曰: so who cares if they're pretty...
顔淵曰: anyhow
顔淵曰: thanks for the info ^^
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