To recap, first there was that
supplement 補 - yer body 身 - soup 湯 (보신탕). It's a pleasant arrangement in the classical V+O modifies head N style and seemed to do a good job of suiting everyone's needs. Especially during the fast-approaching dog days of summer.
But no. It appears there was a secret need for that to be all shaken up.
So now we have
몸 body - 補 supplement - 湯 soup (몸보탕), with the order reversed to the Korean pattern O + V modifies head N. Which is great, but 보 by itself is supposed to be a bound-morpheme and shouldn't be left to float freely among other words like that. Might lead to dancing...
And, horror of horrors,
it seems to be catching on!
I guess it all works because 몸 is certainly free, 탕 is pretty-much free and the compound is simple enough to be abundantly clear. Perhaps even to the poor "ingredients" that are caged next to the restaurant...