
The Sanchon Hunjang
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알림: 필연의 기절

Last night at the gas station, as the Sanchon Hunjang waited for the attendants to fill up the large tank, he glanced into the office to discover a remarkable machine. Well, at least it claims to produce something remarkable:

"기절 안 하면 기절시켜드립니다. " ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And it ends in the same funny way as all those announcements/assorted warnings/pleas to not dump your trash/etc. signs out there.

These titled-people are all about telling everyone to do something, so they have to rely on all the authority they can muster. This means they hafta include a title at the end as a symbol of their authority to make the declaration. If no other title is available, then "owner 주인" does just fine. Or better yet, "Head Owner 주인 백." Sometimes they even write it in Chinese to look even more superior to us masses: "주인 白," or "主人 白." Surely everyone gets the unmistakable I'm-in-authority-here-and-I'm-only-doing-this-in-your-best-interest vibe here.

But as to that 백 tacked on the end...white...? Is that the authority's surname? If so, then there sure are a whole lot of Messrs White leaving signs around, at least compared to the percentage of the population that they occupy. Not to mention how difficult it is to find the expected signs that close with "주인 김," and "주인 최."

Well, like the Sanchon Hunjang always says, when in doubt, recheck the dictionary. Could it be that our humble friend 白 is hiding something? According to the Naver 옥편 page:

(copied here because the web is an ever-changing landscape and a poor Sanchon Hunjang can't trust it)

훈음 : 흴 백
사성음 : bái
부수 : (흰백 部)
획수 : 5 (부수획수:5)
난이도 : 중학용 한자, 한자능력검정 8급 (쓰기 : 준6급)
뜻풀이 :

㉢분명하다, 명백하다
㉤밝다, 밝아지다
㉦비다, (가진 것이)없다
㉧아뢰다, 탄핵하다
㉨흘겨보다, 경멸하다
㉭거저, 대가 없이
㉭볶은 쌀
㉭부질없이, 쓸데없이
㉭비단, 견직물
㉭소대(小隊: 군대 편성 단위의 하나)

상대자 :
유의자 :

Well...lessee here...white...clean...clear...bright...nothing too unexpected there. Oh, wait a minute...there it is, number 이응. 白 = 아뢰다. 아룀. I've seen that word, and her more modernized (which means "less honorific") cousin 알림 around. Even in signs of a similar tone.

So, putting "title + 백" at the bottom of a sign telling people what to do or what to abstain from doing is equivalent to putting "알림" at the top and the position by which your authority is stated at the bottom of the sign.

So let it be written, let it be done!

-- 산촌훈장 망상 일지 주인 백 ^^

I just laughed the whole way through your post. I was commenting to my wife that the ultimate figure of people grasping for authority when they don't have any are the 경비 guys in apartments. Those dudes get no respect and deserve none. Yet everything they do, they try to act as if they have all the authority in the world. It infuriates me when they act like the king of the apartment. They won't let you on the roof, they close down certain parts of the building, etc. What on earth gives these guys the authority to do that to my living space?
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